Thursday, May 31, 2007

Anne McCue -- "Koala Motel"

Theresa and I finally got to see Anne McCue perform May 11, 2007, and it was worth the wait. We had tix for Valentine's Day but she was snowed in and canceled. Serious bummer when your Valentine's Day vibe is a no show. Uh huh. We made out somehow. *wink*

We were offered tix to a Scott Miller and the Commonwealth opener instead. Scott ... he's an okay performer and a great conversationalist. He's a little bit country and a lot boring, if you ask me, but maybe I've seen too many Pittsburgh homeboys and gals up there strumming their tales with as much acumen. Ech ... maybe. I dunno. He's alright. I like him as a human being. Now ... headliner Miss Anne McCue ... well, that's another story!

Man, can that woman wail on the guitar! She's an awesome musician. One of the tracks (I Want You Back) features Lucinda Williams which sounds great. Her drummer had to fill in for Lucinda's vocals at the show and joked that he probably wasn't drunk enough yet (guess either Lucinda fell off the wagon or he doesn't know she's sober these days). Driving Down Alverado was worth the price of admission. Truly.

Her fingers fly across the frets and her hair hides her expressionless expressions ... as she powers through it with musical dexterity rarely seen in a female guitar player. I was absolutely blown away, as was the crowd that had gathered to see Scott Miller and the Commonwealth. We were two of the few she greeted to sign her CD that had actually come to see HER perform. She seemed amused when she questioned first Theresa and then me about finding her by mistake. We reassured her that we were there to see HER. The rest were converts, I'm sure. Maggots.

She is an absolute master of the guitar and does this unbelievable lap steel guitar gig that had people asking what the hell the instrument was. Classic moment. For sure. The woman three tables back shouting out "what is THAT?!"

Whatever stringed instrument is laid before her, she plays it well. On Hellfire Raiser, you seriously could have heard a pin drop. She is not a great vocal performer. Not by any stretch. But her guitar virtuoso has to be witnessed in person to be believed. Honestly. She is waaaaay up there with the greats. And screw that asshat that questioned who she was on her My Space video of her Jimi Hendrix cover Machine Gun. She ain't no singer ... but MAN ... can that GIRL PLAY!

If you want to learn more about Anne McCue (and you should) check these sites out: her web site: or her My Space page. This is a guitar player to watch. She'll crop up on tons of songs. Just you wait and see.


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