Thursday, May 31, 2007

G. Love & Special Sauce -- "Lemonade"

Philadelphia native Garrett Dutton III, born a day after me nearly a decade later, offered up some tantalizing mixes that got the crowd movin' and groovin' at Mr. Smalls Theater April 11, 2007. This guy puts the punctuation on all of the right high notes with his gritty pseudo-rapping and harmonica wailing. Everything that comes out of the microphone is slurred to the point of no return for 40-somethings ... but you get the gist of it.

The place was packed and we hung out in the back bar, far from the swaying masses and drunken loan Harley dude off to the right. This guy could barely stand, let alone sing, and SING (loudly), he did. It was an interesting mix of young and old, hardcore biker dudes, and preppy frat dudes. *note to self: only two african americans spotted ... interesting. Theresa and I stood out like sore thumbs. We simply didn't fit the demographic but that didn't dull my enthusiasm for singing along with "My Baby's Got Sauce" and "Rodeo Clowns," his hit featuring Jack Johnson which I love, love, love ... no sauce, please.

The "G." in G. Love stands for "Good" and good, they are. No mystery there. The band, which started out in 1994, is now known for its live shows and I have to say, having seen him twice (once in Austin at the Austin City Limits Festival and once in Pittsburgh in a packed indoor show), he delivers. He has this great way of connecting with the audience and engaging them in the show. The band is really rocking and backs him superbly. You can't help but shout, "You CAN'T GO BACK to Jersey" when the full band is grooving away. And you know? You just can't. Go back to Jersey, that is.

Check out more information about G. Love & Special Sauce at their My Space page or their Fan Site page and, for God's sake, check them out live in your home town!


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